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Statutory Information

The Oak Partnership Trust and centralised policies

Hill View School is part of The Oak Partnership Trust. 

CLICK HERE to go to the Trust Homepage

Many of our policies are centralised Trust policies.

CLICK HERE for the Trust Policies page.


At Hill View School we are committed to the continuous Safeguarding of our children and families and promote the ethos that;

Safeguarding is EVERYONE'S responsibility!

The purpose of our safeguarding policy is to provide clear guidance to staff and other community members and visiting professionals for the safeguarding of children and young people at Hill View School.

At Hill View, we believe in progress, inclusion and entitlement and in order for this to be achieved all our learners must feel safe and listened to. We believe in providing a secure environment for learning where our community of children and young people can thrive and develop to be their best selves.

We know that where children have been the victims of abuse their life chances are seriously affected adversely and in the most serious cases can lead to serious harm and even death. We want to prevent this from happening.

The children and young people at Hill View are more at risk because of their complex needs and disabilities, therefore we must be thoroughly vigilant. We have a range of support mechanisms at the school and through Somerset which can be deployed. Hill View will make referrals to social care if we have concerns about a child’s welfare and safety.

Normally, Parent Carers will be informed that we are making a referral however, if we feel that the child is at serious risk of harm by letting the parent or carer know we are making a referral, then we will not inform the parent or carer. In these cases, we will take advice from social care on the next steps.

Our Safeguarding Policy is updated annually, and is available on The Oak Partnership website: Key Information>Policies.

The Safeguarding Team at Hill View

If any members of the school or local community have concerns about the welfare of a child, they can pass it onto the Safeguarding Team here at the school.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads are Louisa Blackmore and Stu Lambert. The DDSL is Tess Hargrave. They are responsible for receiving and acting upon concerns about the safety and wellbeing of children. 

The safeguarding governor is Jan Nock.

You can speak to the safeguarding team in person, phone the school and request a call back or email with FAO Safeguarding Team in the title. 

If you are worried about a child or young person who could be in danger please contact

You can contact the police directly by dialling 101 and they will discuss with Children’s Social Care what action should be taken. In an emergency always contact the police by dialling 999.

If you would like to speak to a social worker outside of office hours please phone the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 123 23 27

Local School Committee (Governors)

Our Chair of Governors is Jan Nock and can be contacted using the school contact details.

School Uniform

Our School uniform is being finalised but will be available at:

Home - South West Schoolwear (

School Opening Times/Term Dates

School transport will arrive at 8:45am to begin Register, Reassure & Regulate time

Learners prepare for the end of the day from 14:30 and transport departs at 14:45

All lessons are structured in a way that provides learners with sensory breaks/activities to prepare for the next lesson. 



Hill View School has not been inspected as it is due to open in September 2024

Exam Results and Performance Tables

Performance data will be available here

Financial Benchmarking

There are no employees at Hill View School who have a gross annual salary over £100,000.

Requests for Paper Copies

If you would like a paper copy of all the information on our website this can be obtained at no charge by contacting the school by phone or by email.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement